A movie


a short film, “Un Art de liberté” directed by Ventura Samarra

An exhibition

HOMO FABER Venise 2024
HOMO FABER Venise 2024

CORTE NASCOSTA at HOMO FABER in Venice throughout September 2024

Corte Nascosta to Homo Faber
Corte Nascosta to Homo Faber

more info on the exhibition link Homo Faber

Ateliers Staub furniture exhibition at Mise en scène in Morges

I'd like to extend my warmest thanks to the Mise en scène boutique in Morges, Rue Louis de Savoie 21, which is pleased to present pieces of cabinetwork by Ateliers Staub.



Corte Nascosta in ISSUU

We thank the Fondazione Cologni dei Mestieri d'Arte for publishing an article about Corte Nascosta. A piece of art inspired by the enchantment of Venice.

Article in ISSUU, Fondazione Cologni dei Mestieri d'ArteThings

Construction of Corte nascosta
Construction of Corte nascosta

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Ateliers Staub SA
Route du Châtelard 5
CH- 1141 Sévery
+41 79 342 98 38